Academic Regulations


Students are classified as one of the following:

  1. Full time students are those who are registered in the PROFESSIONAL PILOT PROGRAM or equivalent, and consists of 30 or more hours of schooling per week.
  2. Part time students are those who are registered in any other program offered by EXCEL FLIGHT TRAINING INC, or registered in a program consisting of less than 30 hours of schooling per week.


Each student is responsible for the completeness and accuracy of his/her registration.  Particular care should be exercised with regard to prerequisite courses.


All students must consult the Chief Flight Instructor (CFI) and obtain approval to add a course to their schedule.  A student who wishes to withdraw from a class will be given a refund in accordance with the REFUND OF FEES policy outlined later in this calendar, and in accordance with the Private Vocational Schools act.


The following policies are designed to maintain a certain level of confidentiality:

  1. Student files, records and test results are maintained primarily for internal use.
  2. With the exception of specific public information, information is not released to third parties.  Personal information may be released upon written permission from the student involved or in the case of an emergency.
  3. Copies of international students’ registration forms, registration change forms and withdrawal forms may be forwarded to the local Canadian Immigration Office.
  4. Relevant information may be released to appropriate government agencies upon request.