To open your business to the public, you must complete a plan to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 among your staff and customers. The completed template must be posted in your place of business or online within 7 days of the public being able to attend your business.

The following template includes considerations to help guide you as you plan to open your business.  This should be completed using Alberta Health’s Workplace Guidance for Business Owners, sector-specific guidelines, and any additional requirements your business or industry association provides.


Distancing Measures

Considerations: How will you ensure people maintain 2 metres between each other? Do you need to maintain directional traffic flow? Can staff stagger their breaks to limit congregating in break rooms? How will you limit the number of people in your space? Have you considered installing physical barriers (e.g., Plexiglas window or high-walled cubicle) to reduce exposure when 2-metre distancing is hard to maintain? 
1.     Customers will be gently encouraged to maintain 2 metres between each other verbally if seen to be closer.  Customers will be asked at this time to not be at the school unless they are engaged in a lesson – please do not linger or socialize before or after a lesson in close proximity to one another.

2.     We do not need to maintain directional traffic flow – employees and customers will be encouraged to be patient, and not brush by each other in the reception areas, hallways or office spaces.

3.     Staff have always been able to take a break when they see fit in their schedule – this is not scheduled by the employer.  They will be verbally encouraged to not congregate less than 2 metres apart if seen to be closer.

4.     Customers will be encouraged to only arrive for their scheduled appointments, and not congregate afterwards.

5.     PPE masks will be encouraged to be used for instances where customers and employees are less than 2 metres apart (eg. in the aircraft). Customers will be encouraged to sit one per table in the classroom setting, where tables have been arranged to meet distancing guidelines.

Considerations: How will you manage frequent cleaning on high touch surfaces (e.g., bathroom, chairs, door knobs, break rooms)?
How will you train and ensure staff keep their work surfaces, order screens, debit machines, cash registers, and equipment clean?
1.     Cleaning supplies are readily available for both employees and customers to use.  High touch surfaces will be cleaned often, and after use.

2.     Training will be provided verbally, and employees will be reminded often.
Screening for Symptoms

Considerations: How will you monitor staff and customers for symptoms of fever, sore throat, cough, runny nose or difficulty breathing? Have you educated your staff to do self-monitoring of symptoms? Have you identified a space where staff members can be separated from others if they develop symptoms while at work? Are you prepared for increases in absenteeism due to illness or isolation requirements? Have you considered absenteeism policies to enable staff members to stay home when ill, in quarantine (self-isolation), or if they are taking care of children or someone who is ill? Are you maintaining a log of staff attendance? What is your response plan for staff who come to work with symptoms?
1.     Questions on our screening form will be verbally asked/answered by employees and customers. Records will not be kept unless an answer is no, or temperature is reported over 38° Celsius. Signage placed on front door encouraging people not to visit if sick.

2.     Employees have been encouraged to self-monitor for symptoms.

3.     Employees will go home if they develop symptoms, and text or email that they have done so – they will not remain at work with symptoms.

4.     Schedules will be adjusted as necessary to deal with absenteeism.

5.     Employee attendance is logged on the Daily Flight Sheet

6.     Employees who come to work with symptoms will be sent home.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – where distancing measures cannot be maintainedConsiderations: How will you promote PPE use (e.g., masks or gloves) when people are unable to be 2 metres apart? If 2 metres cannot be maintained and PPE is necessary, where will your staff obtain it? Will customers require their own PPE such as masks, or will you supply them? How will you inform customers before they enter your business that PPE such as masks are required?
1.     PPE mask use will be required when people are unable to be 2 metres apart.

2.     PPE masks will be provided to employees.  Customers will be able to bring their own PPE masks or purchase disposable PPE from Excel Flight Training as required.

3.     Customers will be informed of the PPE requirements as they schedule appointments.
ResponsibilitiesConsiderations: Who will be responsible for ensuring staff and customers are following your precautions? Have you updated contact information for staff members so that they can be notified in the event of a known exposure?
 1.     Everyone – management, employees, and customers are responsible for safe conduct at the flight school – as always.  Management will oversee this.

2.     Employee contact information is current as of today, and employees are encouraged to keep this information current if it changes.

Employee and Customer Screening Form

1Do you have any of the below symptoms:
– Fever (greater than 38.0c)YES NO
– CoughYES NO
– Shortness of Breath / Difficulty BreatingYES NO
– Sore ThroatYES NO
– Runny NoseYES NO
2Have you, or anyone in your household travelled outside of Canada in the last 14 days?YES NO
3Have you, or anyone in your household been in contact in the last 14 days with someone who is being investigated or confirmed to be a case of COVID-19?YES NO
4Are you currently being investigated as a suspect case of COVID-19?YES NO
5Have you tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 10 days?YES NO
6Recorded Temperature if permitted by employee/customer: